What is Cross Channel Marketing?

Example: Get to Know Susie Consumer

Let's say you own a retail clothing store. Susie Consumer has opted-in to your monthly email newsletters, and often clicks on links in your emails about children's clothing.

Writing a monthly email takes time, but you see results: people print out your email ad and bring it into the store to redeem coupons, or to buy featured clothes. You'd like an easy way to frequently engage customers and keep them coming back to the store.

You decide to create a Mobile Coupon club, sending weekly coupons via text message. Using our system, you set up a club keyword, shortcode and message text; with a maximum of 160 characters, you have to be brief. After 30 minutes, you've set up a month's worth of coupons!

In your next e-newsletter, you link to the coupon club opt-in form (also created in our system, and optimized for mobile devices). Susie visits the form using her smartphone and agrees to accept your messages.

Over time, Susie redeems four of eight coupons at the register. You notice other members of the club showing similar activity. It's working; you're earning loyalty from these customers, and you can track how effective your campaign is!

To provide even better offers, you decide to learn more about your active customers. Using our system, you create a short survey (accessible via web or SMS) asking about purchasing preferences. Soon you know Susie prefers information on girls' clothing only, so you can improve your segmentation. Susie's coupon redemption rate goes up, and all is right with your world.


Features & Benefits


  • Identify the “Cross Channel Segment” – those who opt in across channels.
  • Based on customer attributes important to craft ongoing, relevant customer interactions.
  • When age is a key defining attribute of your customers (i.e. alcohol, spirits or tobacco buyers), Age Verification can be built into your campaign to help ensure only individuals who can legally transact with your business do so.
  • Contact Management - Flexibly store, access and manage both your mobile and email subscribers in one location.
  • Allow your customers to go online and manage their opt-in status on-demand.

The Right Message

The Right Message is all about the nature of content delivered via various channels (email and web for rich content, sms for short calls to action), the relevance of those messages informed by segmentation and marketing strategy, and the ability to tailor messages to achieve the highest possible response.

The Right Time

Timing is an important dimension in cross channel marketing given that programs which span different channels may need to be staged to achieve the desired outcome. Aside staging, the ability to interactively engage in real time cross channel marketing apart from destination-centric tactics such as stand-alone email is a key attribute of timing. 

The Right Place

Place has several meanings. First, it refers to the utility of Location Based Services for programs which may trigger offers based on geo-fencing. Secondly, it refers to our system’s pre-packaged Location Campaign to point a business’ customers to a destination. Thirdly, it means the platform from which consumers are engaging your business – this is increasingly a smartphone and so the integrated SMS, and mobile optimized email and web capabilities are essential.


Services List

  • Design & Engineering
  • Technology Consulting